Tuesday, January 3, 2017


मैं नास्तिक हूँ किंतु इतना बड़ा नहीं कि राह में आए मंदिरों में भगवान् के अस्तित्व को नकार दूँ , साथ ही इतना बड़ा आस्तिक भी नहीं हूँ कि भगवान् को ढूढने के लिए मंदिरों की खोज में ही घूमा करुँ , क्यों कि मेरा अपना विश्वाश है कि भगवान् मंदिरों में ही नहीं मंदिरों में भी है क्यों कि वह सर्वविद्यमान है ।
I am an atheist but I cannot afford to deny existence of God in the temples* which fall on my way . At the same time, I am not so big a priest that I should run after temples in search of God . Because, temple is not the only place where God exists, but temple is also one of the places where God exists, because He is omnipresent.
*Here temple word has been used to symbolize a worship place. How God, the Creator of whole universe can be confined within the four walls of a temple? He also cannot be thought of composed of many ….. Almighty is always with us. We can feel Him at any time and at any place. Temples may be thought necessary for reminding us about God like Ashoka Pillars (Stambh), but for offering our prayers, temple is not a necessity. A temple is not required to feel His presence.

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